Elyria City School District is registered with Safer Schools Ohio, a multi-agency program through the ODE and the office of Homeland Security.
This registration gives the district a phone number: 1-844-SAFEROH (844-723-3764) for anonymous reports of anything that can be a potential threat to self or others, criminal or noncriminal.
As always, we strongly urge parents, students, staff and community to always report anything suspicious to 911, the Elyria Police Department or the Lorain County Sheriff's Office, and to school administrators, if it relates to students, school or school neighborhoods.
The 1-844-SAFEROH number is another resource for reports that can remain anonymous. A call or text to this number initiates an assessment process to determine if it's a criminal or non-criminal threat. A notification process begins and if the threat is criminal in nature, law enforcement agencies are informed. School administration also will be notified of every call that's placed to this number.
Please share this number broadly, and keep it, like all emergency numbers, at hand.